Radio Collection
Museum Information
Internal Fire's Radio collection focusses on Maritime Radio. The main parts of the collection are:
1950s Marconi Radio room
1970s Kelvin Hughes Radio Room
1980, Marconi Radio room from the
"Pride of Calais"
Valve collection showing valves from pre WW1 to the present day.
Titanic feature, including the morse traffic between Titanic and rescue ships.
Replica wirless operator's desk from Short Sunderland flying boat.
As with the engines, the radio equipment is kept in working order and GB2MOP can often be heard on the Amateur bands.
Radio Collection Overview
1950s Radio Room
Kelvin Hughes (1970s)
Pride of Calais (1980s)
Valve Collection
Ships Nostalgia: Marconi Challenger Story
Ships Nostalgia: Kelvin Hughes
Ships Nostalgia: Oceanspan
Oceanspan Blog
Atalanta Blog
Mercury Blog